Great Plant Picks
Great Plant Picks (GPP) is the primary educational program of the Elisabeth Miller Botanical Garden. The awards program is committed to building a comprehensive palette of outstanding plants and providing a forum for sharing horticultural information with the wider gardening community in the maritime Pacific Northwest gardens. Awards are based on the combined expertise of over 25 horticulturalists from Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.
GPP was developed in 2000 by former Miller Garden director Richard Hartlage, with input from retired Pacific Horticulture editor Richard Turner, as part of the Miller Garden’s educational outreach effort. To learn more about this program, visit the Great Plant Picks website.
Contact Great Plant Picks by email at gpp@millergarden.org, or by mail, phone or fax as listed on the Contact page.
For other gardening questions, visit the Plant Answer Line, a wonderful resource provided by the Elisabeth C. Miller Library at the Center for Urban Horticulture.